The premier privately-owned hunting property in Ohio
Welcome to Brushy Fork Outfitters, Ohio’s premier hunting operation. We’re situated in Coshocton County, in the heart of Big Buck Country, but we also have thousands of acres of private lands in Licking, Knox, Coshocton and Muskingum counties. Stands are strategically placed to overlook both open and timbered properties, depending upon time of year, weather, deer activity and our clients’ preferences. Our holdings have lots of food and cover for whitetails, BEEFY ones, and we know best how to hunt each parcel.
This knowledge, along with our professional guides’ commitment to success, is why our customers hate to see our place in their rearview mirrors. Since 2010, the year we “went public,” BFO has boasted some of the highest opportunity-rates at record-book bucks in Ohio. Your shot awaits, and we at Brushy Fork Outfitters will do our best to put you in the right spot at the right time. Come see for yourself, and keep your taxidermist on notice.

Bryan Dawes
“I am very passionate about deer hunting, and I work very hard for my clients,” he says. “I will not rest until the tags are filled. When a client kills a great buck with us, I really do share the adrenaline rush.”
Outfitter Bryan Dawes, 41, can thank his grandfather for hooking him on hunting when Bryan was barely big enough to hoist a gun to his shoulder. And like many deer hunters, the Kentucky native eventually traded his firearm for a bow.
Having used both weapons to let the air out of big bucks gives this guy an edge in selecting the best possible setups for clients of all stripes.
In addition to hunting and guiding, Bryan has been involved with many different hunting shows on television, both in front of and behind cameras. He considers himself blessed to have hunted throughout North America, which has taught him valuable lessons in whitetail behavior.
Rest assured that it is experience, not just theory, that governs optimal stand placement on the lands he manages.
Why Ohio? Why BFO?
Why Ohio is the best choice for whitetail deer and turkey hunting
Deer hunters in the know should answer “Duh.” The rest should pay attention. Seriously.
Hunters looking for a place where they’re most likely to connect with the buck of their dreams often think of states like Illinois, Kansas or Texas, or perhaps of even crossing over into Canada. Few consider heading to Ohio, which might explain why so few outfitters have set up shop in the Buckeye State.
These same hunters, however, could probably name more giants felled in Ohio than from any other state, because more have been taken here. For the past decade, Ohio has been either the nation’s top yielder of world-class whitetails, or a close second.
This is the state that grew the famous 328 2/8-inch “Hole in the Horn Buck,” B&C’s No. 2 non-typical; the Barnacle Buck, at 351 7/8 inches the largest deer recognized by the BTR; the P&Y world-record Beatty Buck; and the nearly 300-inch Amish Buck. In all, more than a dozen Ohio bucks fill the various No. 1 slots in “Buckmasters Whitetail Trophy Records,” where entries are segregated according to how they are harvested, not just as Typicals and Non-typicals.
If this isn’t enough of an enticement, consider that the Buckeye State has one of the longest seasons among the top deer-hunting states. Affordable licenses are sold over the counter (as well as online), meaning you don’t have to remember application deadlines or participate in a tag lottery.
The Buckeye State has all it takes – groceries (mast and crops), first-rate genetics, and a stingy one-buck limit – to produce deer of a lifetime.
While monstrous bucks can be found in every corner of this whitetail paradise, Coshocton, Licking, and Muskingum counties in east-central Ohio are among the state's top 10 for record-book entries. Brushy Fork Outfitters, centrally located in Coshocton, has leases in all three.
Quantity doesn’t often go hand in hand with quality, but both exist in our area. These three counties are consistent winners in both, trophy bucks and overall deer harvested, each season.
Quite honestly, we don’t know why anyone would look any farther than Ohio.
Why Brushy Fork Outfitters offers the best whitetail and turkey hunts in Ohio
Check ’em off: Location, location, location; private farms; experienced and personable guides; affordable rates; amenities; and, best of all, lots of big deer. Come see for yourself, and you’ll also discover why 90 percent of our hunters return every year.
Ours is not a shell game. This is our passion and our livelihood, dependent upon repeat business and word-of-mouth recommendations.
We devote countless hours, indeed many months annually, to creating deer sanctuaries and improving habitat on our many private land leases.
We work hard to cater to every hunter, regardless of skill level or experience, by offering a variety of stands and/or ground blinds to suit each location.
These include 15-foot ladder stands and ground blinds for hunters wary of heights, along with 25- to 30-foot-high hang-on stands accessible by climbing sticks. We also have over 25 maverick "six-shooter" shooting towers for your comfort. There are setups for handicapped hunters, too.
As the law here allows, we also bait all of our stand locations with shelled corn, though many are situated next to crop fields and food plots. In all honesty, we want you to kill that buck of a lifetime just as badly as you do.
Our superior knowledge of deer behavior and movement patterns put a lot of deer in the back of our trucks. Because of our stand placement and strict adherence to wind directions, moon phases, and (changing) food sources, you will be sure to see many deer on each and every hunt with us.
Lastly, our guides are full-time, meaning we can give you the attention you deserve. With Brushy Fork, filling your tag is job one.

Leading the way!
Buckeye bruisers routinely grace the covers of national deer hunting magazines like RACK. If the publications’ cover choices were limited to size alone, Ohio whitetails might fill 90 percent of the spots.

Trophy Belt's Buckle
The Ohio counties in orange have coughed up record book deer since 2012. Those yielding the most entries in recent seasons have come from the belt stretching from Adams (southwest) to Mahoning (northeast). Licking, Coshocton and Muskingum are the trophy belt’s buckle.
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